Medical Device Companies in Burlington, MA

Fueling Medical Device Innovation & Collaboration

Medical professionals across the world use cutting-edge medical devices developed and manufactured right here in Burlington, MA. As an industry that relies on product development, manufacturing, and sales and marketing strategy, it’s essential that medical device companies have access to a diverse talent pool of qualified professionals.

As a town centrally located in Massachusetts, Burlington medical device manufacturers have the opportunity to tap into the neighboring major commerce, science, and educational communities. With collaboration and innovation playing significant roles within the medical device industry, having immediate access to these hubs via proximity and major highways presents a lucrative, competitive, and convenient opportunity for medical device companies.

Burlington has also received a Platinum Rating rating in BioReadiness from MassBio. This means that medical device manufacturers that integrate biotechnology into their products or devices have an eased pathway for facilities development due to streamlined permitting processes, local zoning policies, and overall infrastructure.

Medical Device Companies in Burlington, MA Companies that call Burlington Home