Humans rely on Earth’s precious resources such as clean water and air, as well as safely produced food, shelter and the warmth of the sun to survive and thrive. We also rely heavily on various forms of energy to live our busy lives from driving our cars to flying in planes and working on our devices.
To access resources needed to produce energy, the mining industry discards over 200 billion tons of waste (tailings), producing more than 7% of the world’s carbon emissions. This process runs counterproductive to all United Nation’s warnings regarding climate change.
To offset the damage that mining causes across the globe and more specifically in countries with minimal labor rights and inadequate environmental oversight, one local Burlington business, Phoenix Tailings, is on a mission to be the world’s first clean mining and metals production company.
This month, as we spotlight this bold and innovative Burlington business, we’ll take a look at how they are positively impacting not just our town, but our world.
What is Phoenix Tailings?
Phoenix Tailings, a business specializing in critical materials extraction, was founded by MIT scientists, entrepreneurs and engineers to create sustainably produced metals and raw materials. These materials are then used to create clean technology such as electric cars and motor and wind turbines.
By using cutting-edge technology, the team at Phoenix Tailings creates a domestic supply chain for rare earth metals from waste materials (tailings) for modern manufacturing. This embraces a sustainable and environmentally conscious process to continue energy production without damage to the Earth and production of waste products commonly found in mining.
In short, the sustainable process used by Phoenix Tailings embraces zero-waste technology and unlocks the full value of Earth’s natural resources.
According to their business statement, Phoenix Tailings is “on a mission to be the world’s first clean mining and metals production company, eliminating this harmful waste from the environment while sustainably creating valuable materials.”
Some of the sustainable rare earth metals produced through their unique process include Ferro-Dysprosium Alloy (DyFe), Neodymium (Nd) and Dysprosium (Dy). Additionally, product lines in development include other rare earth metals, precious metals, metallic iron products, iron oxide products, battery metals and aggregates. Clean technologies rely on these specialty materials.
Earth’s metals are needed to continue functioning efficiently in our world, which relies on an electrified ecosystem. This innovative process of processing and harvesting metals from waste products is changing our world for the better.
Burlington Plays a Role
Currently in operation in Somerville and Woburn, Phoenix Talings has set up shop in Burlington on North Avenue in a 29,000-square-foot building with plans to close the Somerville location once the Burlington building is fully occupied. This move to Burlington will allow for the company to work with the Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce for professional development and to drive regional economic growth, especially in the advanced manufacturing sector.
We welcome Phoenix Tailings to our local business community and will support them with our robust economic development opportunities. Welcome to Burlington!